
Wearing Abayahs is basically a Muslim culture... the basic concept behind wearing abayas is HIJAB, that is used to cover a women and protect her from bad sights of people.. it has benn using by Muslim women for 1400 years in differennt forms.... like a big shaal, burqa etc. Abaya has a great impact of different cultures as well.... like Arabian abayas are quite different from those of Pakistanis and even in Pakistan different cultural Abayas are been wore through which you can easily identify to which culture that women belongs! its a Fashion age and Abaya although a quite Relegious dress but still available in varities of fashion in market and that is why Abayas with different styles and colours are shown hear!

 And you can find a huge variety of fashion and styles and different styles of wearing scarf as well just go to "LABELS" sidebar....keep visiting and comment about this style as well. Thank u!

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